Friday, August 30, 2013

Marwari's have Diamonds... Who knew?:

Wanna hear something weird?  Marwari's have diamonds.  lol  It's the strangest thing. I noticed something odd while doing reference photo searching on Marwaris in google.  I noticed a pattern showing up in the Marwari color conformation.  Diamond facial markings. I was seeing this pattern appaering more and more in the face markings of Marwaris, and it kept getting more noticable to me.  The Marwari horses that have face markings are more prone to diamond shaped markings on their face than other horses do, or rather more prone to it than anything else. There are Marwaris that have snips and streaks, of course, they do.  BUT I've been noticing that there is a specific facial marking characteristic to the Marwari and it's showing up a lot.  You know how Thoroughbreds and other breeds can have anything on their faces like narrow streaks to medium blazes, to stars alone, or snips and streaks.  Just random markings. On Marwaris when I looked them up, I kept seeing all these faces and so many of them had one thing in common. The facial markings start out at the top with a diamond shape.  The blaze starts out as a wider diamond up top then it either runs down to a streak, stays as a straight blaze, or just remains the big diamond shaped star but in all of these cases, the pattern on their faces looks similar, like it's a particular facial markings characteristic TO that specific breed.
This is what I'm talking about.  Look at the posted photos and look at the basic shape of all the blazes or stars. 

They all seem to be a similar "version" in some shape, or form of this particular shaped marking.  (I probably could have just lead with that last sentence instead of rambling so much...)
 Step back from the computer screen a bit and just focus on the facial markings and look at the similarities of the basic shape pattern.  

No matter what it does at the bottom, whether it tapers to a point to be a streak or if it goes wide at the mouth or stays like a star, it always seems to start off like a wide diamond then it goes in towards the center of the face. Just look at the face markings on these.  It almost looks like there is a typical classic Marwari 'style' blaze.


  1. A lot of these markings look like my horse's. He has a crooked diamond star that streaks down to a snip :P

    1. Hi, Sorry I didn't notice your reply til now. Do you have a Marwari?
