My beautiful tree had to be cut down. It was rotted and threatening to fall on my house or at the least take out my power line. So now it's down and a relief to me. But still a little sad. I had my bliss lights pointing up into the tree so it looked like my tree was covered in thousands of little twinkling green fairy lights.
Thursday, July 19, 2018
Friday, June 29, 2018
Must Have....Well, I Wish!:
OMG! I WANT These!!! LOL I just don't wanna have to groom them! LOL Man, you never see Pekingese that look like that around here.. Never seen little dogs that like to fight so much though. The owner/breeder doesn't seem to do anything to discourage that behavior in the videos either. Couple of little bullies in there. lol
Thursday, June 28, 2018
Friday, June 15, 2018
Lifesize Poodle Statue:
This is a Must Have for any poodle person LOL
For a mere $399.00 (plus truck freight) lol
Or you could get the miniature Poodle size for a mere $199.00 (and truck freight) lol
Wednesday, June 13, 2018
Happy 14th Birthday Cricket!:
Cricket just turned 14 on June 9th.
This is so sad. I can't believe how light Cricket has gotten. It's so sad seeing the pictures of her through the years getting older.
Here are some pictures of baby through the years from puppy to adult to senior.
And Gizmo and Sushi got new pictures!
And THESE are the funniest photos I've ever taken of Gizmo and Sushi!
Sushi's famous "PMS" face.
Gizmo's "WOW!" face!
Gizmo's "I spot treats" face!
And Gizmo's "Pffffffttt Screw You!" face.