Thursday, May 22, 2014

More models more color:

The TWH is getting more color and a mane and tail.  I'm going to put a couple belly patches underneith also.  He's looking sharp though.  He's got more antiquing left to be done to his mane and tail.

I'm also really excited about the other walker's paintjob.  It's taking forever but he's really got an intricate coat color.

Then, I'm working on a stablemate mare.  She's just an old farm mare.  A brood mare lumbering along.  I think she's got a sweet face. She was done using the Belgian sm.

Then I've finished the last two models.  The bay throughbred mare, and the roan quarter horse.
I'll be adding them to my site tonight.

Here's the roan Quarter Horse. 

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

More edited progress photos:

I'm just going to add the latest images on top.  The thoroughbred mare has got a lot more depth and now a streak on her face.  I've got to figure out what socks to do if any on her next. Sometimes I think the plain ol' HORSES make the prettiest models.  Flash isn't always needed. 

Here's the latest on the TWH.

Everything below this line was done earlier today.

The TWH is looking more like the portrait I went by,  and the thoroughbred mare is getting more bay.

Thoroughbred mare.

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Monday, May 12, 2014

"Child's Play" the new Nightmare Series model:

He's done.  Well I guess it's a he.  He doesn't have a gender because he's a hobby horse.  But he's gross....and cute.  lol  I'll have some better pctures and some posters done of him soon but for right now here's just some quick pictures.  He's been haired to look old and ruined from being played with to death it seems.  lol   Click HERE to view the MH$P ad.

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Lots of Roans:

The roan TWH gets more roaning and color.  I did go ahead and lighten his left sid up more.

Here's the Quarter Horse and his roan color.  He's a bay roan.   He's a Safari Winner's Circle model I think.  He's classic sized.

And finally the Rocking Horse Nightmare Series is coming to completion soon.